What can happen at your stag party?

Right in the centre of Prague, at the beginning of the stag party, one excited participant jumped into the Vltava River full of other boats and steamers. A truly dangerous situation.

The story has a good ending, though. Thanks to the captain's fortitude, everything was resolved without any harm. Moreover, after this jumping action, the captain did not end the party cruise, but allowed the group to continue the stag party. Albeit on a boat safely moored on the shore of the Embankment. But not all boats in Prague have such an amazing captain as we do.

It often happens that the bachelor party group, after a quick consumption of alcohol right at the beginning of the stag party, splits into several smaller groups. Participants are then unable to move together from point A to point B where the next planned activity is to take place, which unfortunately, like a Hummer limo ride. Unfortunately, only a small number of the total number of participants will then get to that one. You're missing out on the real party fun. So - with drinks, take it slower at the beginning of the party and pick up the pace towards the end :)

Also, it's not very fortunate to plan all the stag day activities immediately after each other. Always give yourself at least one hour in between as a time buffer. This will avoid that a 1,5 hour, great Beer-boat cruise is cut down to only 40 minutes because you missed the beginning. Unfortunately, you can't even extend the ride because your farewell cruise through the centre of Prague is about to start.

Definitely don't get the groom drunk in the first two hours so that he doesn't remember the rest of the program. The stag party should be all about the groom having a great time with his friends. It should be one of the most important experiences of his life. It has also happened several times that friends have noticed only in the morning that their groom has not been with them at all for several hours. It's a shame, and most likely the groom won't thank you at all the next day for a well-organized party.

Even a stag party classic like a private strip show may not be a great idea. It's a good idea to find out beforehand if the groom shares the same enthusiasm. It may happen that he does not look for such a form of entertainment at all, he will be angry with you and after a few drinks to calm down from the shock he experienced, he will thank you by punching you in the face.

Also, trying to climb out of the limo through the sunroof while driving is not the best idea. The driver might get scared and slam on the brakes. You'll fly over the whole car and end up right on the driver's windshield wipers. It's dangerous, and if the police spot you, you'll take away from what was originally a great limousine ride a very unpleasant experience. It's not worth it, and you will unnecessarily spoil the festive atmosphere of the whole stag or hen party.

When booking a stag party that consists of multiple activities, it's a good idea to choose a person amongst you who will have an alert set on their mobile phone for all the start times and locations of the activities. If someone is joining only during the stag day, you will avoid the chaos of organising and having someone forget about the activities you have chosen and already paid for. This way you won't have to argue with anyone on the day about where they are supposed to be.

And finally - definitely avoid peeing on the bar in any establishment. It's clear that you're done with the club for good, and you can start thinking up another farewell program. You're not supposed to pee in public :-)

The team of Stagdoin wishes you many wonderful parties.

For a German version see: Was kann auf Ihrem Junggesellenabschied passieren?